Four ways NetForum Enterprise helps associations grow non-dues revenue

Revenue-boosting ideas that go beyond membership dues.

Don’t wait for your association’s revenue to go flat. Diversify your revenue streams now.

When you need to grow your association’s revenue, you can’t always simply raise the cost of membership dues. That can turn off members, leading to a drop in member recruitment and retention. 

So what can you do to maintain budgets and continue to provide members with great service – even throughout ups and downs in the economic cycleDiversify! 

Here are four ways NetForum Enterprise association management software by Community Brands can help you add new revenue streams beyond membership dues: 

1. Fundraising
Many associations are turning to fundraising as part of their non-dues revenue-generating plan. NetForum Enterprise includes fundraising functionality to help you manage and engage your members as donors, analyze and score relationships, and increase development effectiveness. 

For example, using NetForum, you can do the following:
