General contractors and structural engineers, who greatly benefit from the work done by steel detailers, are the only ones who can truly appreciate the importance of steel detailers in the context of structural design and construction. Steel detailers are solely responsible for providing state-of-the-art steel detailing services for structural steel components. They are unquestionably the unsung heroes of the construction industry, especially regarding structural design and general project success. They are fully responsible for producing detailed and accurate structural steel drawings, which require a high focus and accuracy. Failing to do so could have detrimental effects on the building's entire growth.

Therefore, if design and construction professionals want to produce sturdy structures and incredibly long-lasting buildings, they must never, under any circumstances, overlook the steel detailing process. Steel detailers provide the spool fabrication drawings for the steel components that must be fabricated. Therefore, these drawings must have all the information necessary to fabricate these components. Manufacturing specifics must be accurately and clearly represented to ensure that fabricators have no trouble deciphering the information in these drawings. 

Therefore, when structural steel detailers create fabrication and erection drawings, they must consider how well fabricators and steel erectors can interpret technical information. They should make an effort to produce the designs as simple as possible so that end customers may understand them. Maintaining design accuracy is vital, and only highly skilled expert detailers can do it. Only if steel detailers have understood the guidelines provided by structural engineers for the creation of detailed drawings will the accuracy be found in the drawings. In other words, for steel detailers to create accurate structural drawings and plans, a good understanding of the specifications is crucial. High levels of precision in drawings can also be attained through interaction between detailers and structural engineers, which enables detailers to ask structural engineers questions concerning their issues and receive prompt answers.